Search for "workplace bullying" on the Internet and you will find a plethora
of websites, articles and books devoted to describing, analyzing and
eliminating the behaviour. Bullying is a widespread and enormous problem
that seriously affects productivity and the emotional well-being of those
who are bullied. Luckily, interest in the topic is booming while tolerance
for the behaviour is waning.

Шарилась по инету, решила посмотреть, какие сайты с моей фамилией встречаются и на сайте нашла своего однофамильца.
Написала ему письмо и оказалось, что мы родственники!

Harvesting the Creative and Emotional Power of All Your People

A while back, the vice president of human resources (HR) of a big consumer product company decided to visit with a few key customers and improve his line of sight with his company's marketplace. To avoid wasting his customers' time, he began by reading everything he could—annual reports, 10K reports, product brochures, analysts' reports.

Is your workplace rife with negative vibes? Do you drag your feet to the office hoping for a sudden squall that'll have you headed back home instead of the office where you are destined to encounter hostile colleagues? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you.

By the sixth year in middle management, most employers have already decided whether a middle manager has senior-level potential or has become a "career" middle manager, according to a new survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation (ORC).

Jill, the new CEO stepped into the small meeting room and prepared herself to address the gathering of managers. She felt quite assured and confident. This was the fifth time she would deliver this speech, in almost as many days. This was just one stop on her two week road tour. The new strategic direction that she was informing managers about was already catching people's attention.

Коли я був молодим та вiльним, моя уява не мала меж, я мрiяв змiнити свiт.

It takes anywhere from three to 15 months to find the right job -- yet just days or weeks to lose it. Here are 10 traits that are career poison

The reason you don't understand me, Edith, is because I'm talkin' to you
in English and you're listenin' to me in dingbat!" - Archie Bunker